Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Benefits and Power of Story on Child Psychology

Baca Juga

Benefits and Power of Story on Child Psychology

Benefits and Power of Story on Child Psychology
In times like the present all-powerful, storytelling activities in the eyes of the children were not popular anymore. From waking until bedtime, they were faced with serving a variety of television shows, ranging from cartoons, game shows, soap operas are often not until a fitting spectacle for the children. Even if they get bored with the show presented, they can move on other games such as videogames.
THOUGH Thus, storytelling activities can actually attract and bring many benefits, not only for children but also parents who tell stories to their children. This activity can strengthen the bond and communication that exists between parents and children. Experts say there are some other benefits that can be extracted from this storytelling activity.

First, children can sharpen the intellect and imagination. This is not necessarily only be met if a child watching television. Children can form their own visualization of the story heard. He can imagine what the characters and situations that arise from these tales. Over time the child can exercise your creativity in this way.

Second, a story or fairy tale is an effective medium for instilling values ​​and ethics to children, even to foster a sense of empathy. For example, the values ​​of honesty, humility, solidarity, hard work, and about the daily habits bleak importance of eating vegetables and brushing teeth. Children are also expected to more easily absorb those values ​​because Kak Agam here is not to be ruled or patronizing, instead of the characters in the tale is exactly what is expected to be the example for children.

Third, the tale may be the first step to foster interest in reading children. Once attracted to the various tales as told Kak Agam, the child is expected to begin growing interest in the book. Beginning with a fairy tale books that are often heard, and then extends to other books like the book of knowledge, science, religion, and so forth.

There is no strict age limit on when the child should be able to begin to be a fairy tale by Kak agam. For preschool children, fairy tales can help develop vocabulary. It's just a story of course chosen for the simple and often found children everyday. For example, stories about animals. As for the children of primary school age can be chosen that contain exemplary stories, values ​​and moral messages as well as problem solving. The expectation value and the message can then be applied to children in everyday life.

The success of a tale not only determined by the power of imaginative stimuli, but also the awareness and ability to present it in an interesting storyteller. For that Kak Agam can use various tools like a doll or a variety of storybooks as a source that can be read by parents prior to storytelling.

Power of Story on Child Psychology

1. Sharpening the intellect and imagination
2. Inculcate shared values ​​and ethics
3. Foster interest in reading

Power of Story on Child Psychology

Brother Ben, a lover of children, teachers, trainers, as well as a very eloquent storyteller and masterful. In the city of Yogyakarta is not only because the author knew her ability to enchant children with the dramatic, but also because of the message content as well as a comprehensive moral able to tuck in with a very slick and not a burden. Children are so drugged all the attention and his thoughts on the storyline is simple but delicious followed for a fairy tale place. Then we might know the PM Anyway, storytellers from Aceh who was always concerned with the interaction and a safe and comfortable atmosphere for children who listen. In addition it is familiar to us that Kusumo Priyono, Indonesia maestro myth in storytelling argue that there is usually something to say, especially moral and character. In addition, equally important is nuanced entertainment for children (educational and creative) so that the children feel happy and comforted. Thus, children are very happy to listen to stories or fairy tales. Especially stories read by parents or adults.

Weigh the benefits of Fables

Can not be denied that the tale does have its own charm. In some way, there is a cliché phenomenon, that children often ask to hear bedtime stories told by mothers, grandmothers, or adults who tried to put him to sleep. Although it can be interpreted that the tale is not always pleasant, but the fact is fairy easy to make a child fall asleep, as well relax the activity is approved as a fairy tale does have the potential to support a constructive mental pertumbuhkembangan children. Telling stories or tell stories in English is called storytelling, has many benefits. The benefits of which are capable of developing the intellect and the imagination of children, children develop the ability to speak, to develop the socialization of the child and the child is primarily a means of communication with parents. (Media Indonesia, 2006). Among psychologists recommend that parents get used to reduce the influence of bad storytelling tools of modern game. This was necessitated considering the direct interaction between toddlers and their parents with storytelling is very influential in shaping the character of children towards adulthood.

In addition, from a variety of ways to educate children, fairy tale is a way that is not less powerful and effective way to deliver human touch or a human and sportsmanship for the children. Through fairy tales children are roaming the horizon of thought would be a better, more critical, and smart. Children can understand where that should be followed and that should not be imitated. This will help them to identify themselves with the environment in addition to enabling them to assess and position themselves in the midst of others. Conversely, children who lack imagination can result in a lack of association, it is difficult to socialize or to adapt to new environments.

But apart from these benefits stack theory, I think we still have to be careful. Because if we are not careful, pretty much a fairy tale story contains just prone to bad example for children. Call it folk tale about Sangkuriang that explicitly tells us that the natural mother-kuriang because of the vow will be a wife who takes the fall looms forced to marry a dog. Not enough that the condition is compounded by the story that after killing the dog which is actually his own father Sangkuriang had fallen in love in the sense of romance to the Dayang Sumbi, his own mother. Dayang Sumbi besides cunning rooster to crow wake before dawn actually arrive, in order to outwit Sangkuriang to suspect he failed to meet the demand of the Dayang Sumbi boat building completed in a single night. Because the charges on fairy tales should be considered a psychological condition that may deserap by the child, not to an error of understanding of the tales are meant to be positive instead of negative.

Benefits and Power of Story on Child Psychology

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