Monday, February 20, 2012

Phases Stress Occurrence

Baca Juga

Phases Stress Occurrence

Phases Stress Occurrence
The symptoms of stress in a person is often not realized because of the early  Phases  of stress arising traveling slowly, and only felt when the phase is advanced and the symptoms interfere with daily life functioning well at home, at work or social environment interactions. Dr. Robert J. Amberg (in Hawari, 2001) divides the stages of stress as follows:
1. Stress Phase I
This stage is the lightest stage of stress and is usually accompanied by feelings as follows: 
1) The spirit works great, excessive (over acting); 
2) Sight "sharp" is not as usual; 
3) Feeling able to complete more work than usual, however unwittingly dwindling energy reserves.

2. Stress phase II
In this stage the impact of stress which was originally "fun" as described above in stage I began to disappear, and complaints that arise due to the energy reserves that are no longer enough throughout the day, because not enough time to rest. Rest is meant, among others, with enough sleep, it is useful to fill or restore the energy reserves in deficit. These complaints are often raised by someone who was at the stress phase II are as follows: 
1) Feeling tired when waking up is supposed to feel fresh, 
2) Feeling tired easily after lunch; 
3) Hurry to feel tired in the afternoon; 
4) often complained of stomach / abdominal discomfort (bowel discomfort); 
5) heart beats harder than usual (palpitations); 
6) The muscles of the back and neck feel tight; 
7) It can not be relaxed.

3. Stress Phase III
If someone still impose themselves on the job regardless of stress complaints at stage II, it will show the complaints that more real and disturbing, namely: 
1) disorders of the stomach and intestines more real; such complaints "ulcer" (gastritis), waste irregular bowel movement (diarrhea),
2) muscle tension more so; 
3) Feelings of restlessness and emotional tension rising, 
4) disorders of sleep patterns (insomnia), for example, difficult to start to sleep (early insomnia), or wake up in the night and difficulty returning to sleep (middle insomnia) or waking up too early or early morning and can not go back to sleep (insomnia Late); 
5) Coordination of disturbed body (the body feels sluggish and felt like fainting). At this stage a person had to consult a doctor to obtain treatment, or it could be stress load should be reduced and the body a chance to rest in order to increase the energy supply deficit.

4. Stress Stage IV
Stage IV symptoms of stress, will emerge: 
1) To last all day alone was very difficult; 
2) Activities of the original work is fun and easy to be solved become more boring and seemed difficult; 
3) The original response to the situation to be losing the ability to respond adequate (adequate); 4) Inability to perform routine daily activities; 
5) Disturbance of sleep patterns is accompanied by intense dreams; often refuse an invitation (negativism) for lack of spirit and
6) The concentration decreased memory; 
7) feelings of fear and anxiety arise that can not be explained why.

5. Stress Phase V
If the situation continues, then one would fall in the stress phase V, which is characterized by the following things: 
1) physical and mental fatigue that deepens (physical and psychological exhaustion), 
2) inability to complete daily work light and simple; 
3) the more severe disorders of the digestive system (gastrointestinal disorder); 
4) arises feelings of fear, anxiety is increasing, easily confused and panicky.

6. Stress Phase VI
This stage is the climax stage, a person experiencing a panic attack (panic attack) and the fear of death. Not uncommon for people who have repeatedly stressed this VI stage was taken to the ER even ICCU, though in the end sent home for not found physical abnormalities of organs. Picture of the stress phase VI is as follows: 
1) very hard heartbeat; 
2) Difficult breathing (breathlessness and gasping for air), 
3) Her whole body was shaking, cold and sweating profusely, 
4) lack of energy for things that are lightweight ; 
5) Fainting or collapse (collapse). When examined the complaints or symptoms as described above is dominated by physical complaints caused by impaired physiology (functional) organs of the body, as a result of psychosocial stressors that exceed a person's ability to cope.
Phases Stress Occurrence

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