Monday, February 13, 2012

Contoh pidato pendidikan: Pengaruh televisi terhadap siswa.

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Contoh pidato pendidikan: Pengaruh televisi terhadap siswa.
qvae kali ini dengan Contoh pidato pendidikan yang berjudul  Pengaruh televisi terhadap siswa.
Melihat begitu besarnya pengaruh televisi terhadap siswa maka kali ini qvae akan memberikan sedikir gambaran tentang pengaruh televisi terhadap siswa tapi kali ini dalam bentuk contoh pidato.
berikut Contoh pidato pendidikan: Pengaruh televisi terhadap siswa bersama qvae.

 Father / mother and their teacher colleagues whom I respect, first of all let us pray praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God who has given grace and hidayahnya to all of us so that we can gather in this place, I say many thanks for the opportunity that has been given to me to deliver a speech entitled "The Influence of Television Against Students". Before I begin I would like to address a problem that would limit me to say in my speech today, which include: the influence of television in terms of positive and negative.

When we look at the general influence of television on the students do seem to be very useful and meaningful because television is a means of delivering information of the most effective and efficient, effective and efficient delivery of information in terms of price to obtain that information. With the television media insights and knowledge that a student can grow rapidly in line with the development of existing technology. Many positive things that can be taken from the television media is that such as, information about the latest news, general science, VIDEOS / entertainment, and so forth.

A student should always know the latest information that occurred worldwide in order to add insight and knowledge from the students themselves, he can use to develop themselves in the future, because the information can become better human beings than ever before, while for the field of entertainment / entertainment , this of course serves to reduce the sense of fatigue or boredom on each student in his teenage years or in periods of learning, why is that? Since each student will experience a growing thing as "bored" and this needs to be prevented by the activities that are entertaining / reflection that can make it always "Fresh" and think positive, so that makes it always active and creative.

Apart from the insight and knowledge that can be obtained by students from the television media, inter-family familiarity will be created so as to make students feel comfortable in between the family, because family is also one of the main factors determining the success of a student myself, but it can also educate parents their children more easily through the medium of television and the elderly are more easily provide guidance to the child so the child will not feel burdened to understand what is desired by the parents. These things is one we can feel / see the positive impact of television on students, but other than that a lot of negative things that can happen if the student has been influenced by television, such as lazy, modeled after those things which are not good / negatives such as how to get along, talking, looking, as well as personal.

Lazy is the most commonly occurs when a student has been affected by watching television so much fun learning to forget, and this is very detrimental to the students themselves because of the lazy he will not get anything, and what he dreams, aspirations in life, and therefore it would be nice parents limit television time and filter the display to suit the needs of the child, but lazy television a bad influence on children's behavior that is modeled on things that should not be in the example, suppose a child aged under five years of watching television shows for adults, of course it is "dangerous" because the child can mature before adulthood, means that the actions committed by an adult should not be emulated by young children, such as violence, such as lifestyle-looking, outgoing, and style- speaking style that does not comply with the rules of the language, and so forth. It also requires control of the parent to show that such a mature nature. If this is already happening negativ we then can we see the personality of the students themselves will change and the "possibility" harm to all parties including himself.

Conclusion that, every thing that exists in this world must have rules and the different views, both good and bad, as well as with the television media, which should be used for good things but still have an impact that is not good for some people and or function. Thus the role of parents to educate children (students) are very important as well as awareness of the students themselves should be high and are responsible for what he was doing with the guidance of teachers and positive activities he did during his school environment.

I say thank you for your attention
Demikian Contoh pidato pendidikan: Pengaruh televisi terhadap siswa, semoga bisa bermanfaat bagi kita semua.
Contoh pidato pendidikan: Pengaruh televisi terhadap siswa.

Demikianlah  Contoh Pidato  yang bisa saya bagikan disini, dan kapan kapan akan Qvae update lagi untuk  Contoh Pidato nya agar lebih lengkap. dan mungkin temen temen juga tertarik untuk membaca artikel saya yang lain, danContoh Surat Lamaran KerjaContoh Surat Pengunduran Diri bagi temen temen yang bermasalah dengan Pekerjaan mungkin bisa sedikit membantu, sekian artikel Tentang  Contoh Pidato ,
Contoh Pidato  

Contoh Pidato Agama: Memparingati Hari Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW
Contoh pidato pendidikanPengaruh televisi terhadap siswa.

my other article:

Edications article: Education Now and Future
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Education Three Dimensions: Body-Heart (behavior)-Brain, qvae
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How Importance of Intelligence Educations for People
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Qvae: Lessons on how to overcome the lies of the child. 
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The importance of education for qvae
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The nature of teaching and learning for people
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factors that cause the occurrence of child sexual abuse and how to cope
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problem of waste in the environment

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