Monday, February 13, 2012

Contoh Pidato Agama: Memparingati Hari Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW

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Contoh Pidato Agama: Memparingati Hari Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW
Pada contoh pidato kali ini adalah contoh pidato agama dalam rangka memperingati maulid nabi Muhammad SAW tapi dengan tema kewjiban mencari ilmu bagi setiap manusia. Sebenarnya ada banyak sekali contoh pidato untuk perayaan maulid nabi Muhammad SAW, tapi qvae untuk perayaan maulid nabi Muhammad SAW kali ini sengaja memilih tema tentang kewjiban menuntut ilmu. Alasan dari qvae adalah agar perayaan maulid nabi Muhammad SAW ini sebagai momentum untuk menambah motivasi dalam menuntut ilmu.
Dan sebelumnya qvae mohon maaf jika contoh pidato perayaan maulid nabi Muhammad SAW yang bertema kewajiban menuntut ilmu ini dalam bahasa inggris.


Assalamu wr.wb
Alhamdulillahilladzi an’ama ‘alaina bi ni’matil iman, wal islam. Asyahadualla ilaha illaloh,wasyhadu anna Muhammadarrosullulah. Allohuma sholi ‘ala Muhammad wa’ala ali syaidina Muhammad amma ba’du
Hadirin Ikhwatul iman rohimakumuloh !
Over time, the days turned into weeks, months turned into years. Human development also undergone many changes that are supported by advances in science and technology is very advanced. Humans can easily meet the needs and realize their dreams by utilizing kemajun science. It used to transmit and deliver the news takes a long time, but now only a few seconds, we can give and receive news quickly and easily, even from great distances. That's all thanks to the progress of science.
Allah blessed the audience.
In Islam, as we know, that the science is very useful and determine, are like the Al-Quran Al-Mujadalah verse 11:
“Bismillahirrahmanir rahiim. Yarfa’illaahul ladziina aamanuu mingkum walladziina uutul ‘ilma darojaat. Wallohu bimaa ta’maluuna khobiir”
"Allah will raise those of you who believe and those who were given some degree of knowledge. and Allah Almighty Be alert to anything you do ".
It means: Allah's elevating the learned, along with faith in Allah.
Therefore Allah made it obligatory to seek knowledge whenever and wherever, as in the hadith narrated by Ibn Majah:
“Tholabul ‘ilmi fariidotun ‘alaa kulli muslimin”
"Looking for Science was mandatory for every Muslim"
Well, that was the Islamic obligation to seek knowledge wherever and whenever. Why mandatory?
“Walaa taqfu maa laisa laka bihi ilmu”
"And do not do Anything that does not know the science".
It can be imagined by friends, suppose we do not know the science of electronics continue to dismantle our computer. Mean heart to fix, but what happened? In fact, an ... cur.
Ladies and friends, knowledge seekers!
Whatever goals or desires, insha Allah, we can achieve by having knowledge. As the Apostle says "man aroda dunya fa'alaiha ilmi bil, bil fa'alaiha waman arodal akhiro ilmi, waman aroda field for dry rice cultivation fa'alaihim bil ilmi" Who wants the world's life can be achieved by science, Who desires the Hereafter is also achieved by science, and who desire the life of the world and the hereafter they can accomplish with science. so whatever the ideals and desires we can achieve when we have knowledge of course accompanied by hard work in the learning process. specific to their peers, while we were little cute yet still God forbid let's search for knowledge by studying and learning to grow up to be a useful person for the nation, religion and parents.
And in our age a lot of advantages, as the song lyric of friends who would also memorize
"Learning in a small time like carved in stone after the adult learning (te re ro ro ret) is like carving on the water. Aqulu Qouli hada, Assalamu Wr Wb

Demikian Contoh pidato perayaan maulid nabi Muhammad SAW yang bertema kewajiban menuntut ilmu.
semoga dengan Contoh pidato perayaan maulid nabi Muhammad SAW yang bertema kewajiban menuntut ilmu ini bisa bermanfaat bagi anda.
Contoh Pidato Agama: Memparingati Hari Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW
untuk contoh pidato yang lain, Disini!!
mungkin artikel kami juga bisa di jadikan Contoh pidato. DISINI lo trmpatnya.
Demikianlah  Contoh Pidato  yang bisa saya bagikan disini, dan kapan kapan akan Qvae update lagi untuk  Contoh Pidato nya agar lebih lengkap. dan mungkin temen temen juga tertarik untuk membaca artikel saya yang lain, danContoh Surat Lamaran KerjaContoh Surat Pengunduran Diri bagi temen temen yang bermasalah dengan Pekerjaan mungkin bisa sedikit membantu, sekian artikel Tentang  Contoh Pidato ,
Contoh Pidato  

Contoh Pidato Agama: Memparingati Hari Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW
Contoh pidato pendidikanPengaruh televisi terhadap siswa.

my other article:

Edications article: Education Now and Future
Education Three Dimensions: Body-Heart (behavior)-Brain, qvae
From QVAE (qvaa educations) to the World, solution of all problems of education
How Importance of Intelligence Educations for People
Qvae: Lessons on how to overcome the lies of the child. 
The importance of education for qvae
The nature of teaching and learning for people
factors that cause the occurrence of child sexual abuse and how to cope
problem of waste in the environment

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