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Qvae: Example of Resignation Letter
Example of Resignation Letter
Example letter of resignation, or what we call resign letter is a letter used to resign from a job working the workplace. Many reasons for someone to resign from the company. Maybe because they get a better job, because of salary, or environmental factors that are not conducive.
In a written letter of resignation should not arbitrary, because it reflects your personality. Courtesy must be observed. Do not make matters worse by writing resentment and discontent over the work. You should still write the words appropriately.
Example of Resignation Letter
Write the letter of resignation a few days or a month before you get out. With the aim that the company finds a replacement position. Here's Resignation Letter Examples that can be used as a guide for you.
Manager PT. Dian Mandiri Pratama
Jl. Basuki mercy No.43
With Regards,
Through this letter, I am Ronald Pakundez intends to resign from PT. Dian Mandiri Pratama as ADM Stock Warehouse, as of the date of February 6, 2012.
I say thank you for the opportunity given to me to work in PT. Dian Mandiri Pratama. I also apologize to all employees and management of PT. Dian Mandiri Pratama if there are mistakes I have done during the work.
I hope always, PT. Dian Mandiri Pratama can continue to grow and always get the best.
I Sincerely,
Ronald Pakundez
Should first consider carefully whether you really ready to get out of the job. If it is determined to round, then you can write a letter of resignation as Resignation Letter Example above. Hope can help you in writing format polite, kind and true.
Qvae: Example of Resignation Letter
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