Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How to increase creativity Children

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How to increase creativity Children
10 Tips to enhance the creativity of children (10 ways to train, hone children to think creatively, 10 methods of stimulating the creativity of young children)
I. Preliminary
How to increase creativity Children
Basically, all creative kids, parents and teachers need only provide the right environment to release all their creative potential. In the early childhood education, parents and teachers are not teaching. Parents and teachers are expected to provide stimulation to the child, resulting in the child-centered learning.

Stimulation can be provided by way of giving children the opportunity to be creative. Allow children to freely conduct, hold, draw, shape, or make its own way, and describes his own experience. Free the child's creative power by letting the kids pour his imagination. When children develop creative skills, the children are also able to generate innovative ideas and solutions to resolve problems and improve their ability to remember things. A way that could turn sparks creativity of early childhood is to liberate the child pours his thoughts.

II. The problems that occurred in Pouring Process Thought

The human brain consists of two parts, left (left hemisphere) and right (right hemisphere) which are connected by a piece called corpuss callosum fibers. The left hemisphere primarily serves to rational thinking, analytical, sequential, linear, scientific as reading, language and numeracy. Whereas the right hemisphere functions to develop imagination and creativity. Both hemispheres have the functions, duties, and the response is different and must grow in balance.

In the process of pouring the mind, man trying to organize all the facts and the ideas in a way such that the natural workings of the brain are involved from the beginning, in the hope that it will be easier to remember and recall information at a later date. Unfortunately, modern education system has a tendency to choose those skills "left brain" that is, mathematics, language, and science than in art, music, and teaching thinking skills, especially skills in creative thinking.

Actually, kids can pour your mind with their own way. The process of pouring the mind becomes irregular or even choked up when kids get stuck in the mind pouring model is less effective so that creativity does not appear. Model dictation and record all the dictates of educators, hearing lectures and remembering it, memorize important words and meaning in learning and teaching in schools or anywhere else to be less effective when it is not supported by the creativity of teachers or the children themselves. Other problems arise when the child tried to recall what has been obtained, studied, recorded, or recorded the first ever in mind. Some children have difficulty concentrating, or while doing their jobs. This is because the notes or memory are not settled. That requires a tool to help the brain to think on a regular basis.

III. Using Mind Maps to Get out of the Problem

Systems thinking on a regular basis in fact already started to develop the Greek experts. Memory system developed by the Greeks that allows them to recall hundreds and thousands of facts perfectly. Memories of the Greek system is based on imagination and association. Based on the power of imagination and association, Toni Buzan find a tool to think that based on the natural workings of the brain, a simple tool, which truly reflects the creativity and brilliance of nature in the process of thinking, that is with a mind map.

Mind map is the easiest way to put the information into the brain and take information out of the brain, which is a record of creative and effective. Mind map is a tool that helps the brain to think on a regular basis. All our thoughts have in common. All of them use color. Everything has a natural structure that radiates from the center. All using curved lines, symbols, words and images that correspond to a series of simple, basic, natural, and in accordance with the way the brain works. Literally a mind map will "map out" thoughts.

To invite children to create a mind map, take a few things, namely blank unlined paper, colored pens or markers, brains and imagination. Seven steps in making a mind map: (1) Start from the center of a side length of blank paper on a flat place, (2) Use drawings or pictures to a central idea, because the picture represents the main topic (3) Use of color, because the brain the same color interesting as a picture so vivid mind maps, (4) Connect the main branches to the central image and connect the branches of the two and three to level one and two, and so on, (5) make a line connecting the curved, (6) Use one keyword for each branch or line, (7) Use the image, because every picture is worth a thousand words.

Activities make a mind map can be started with the question, for example, the theme of animals "When you hear what the animal words that came to mind?" Let the children draw or write what became his imagination. There was no answer or a wrong opinion of the child, because all opinions are true. It will be seen from the branch which will analyze them for the previous opinion.

Picture language is a way to deliver information by using the image. Language used on the mind map image because the brain has a natural ability for visual recognition, in fact the perfect introduction. This is why children would be given the information if you use images to present it. Mind map uses visual recognition ability of the brain to get maximum results. With the combination of colors, images, and curved branches, mind maps more visually stimulating than traditional recording methods, which tend to be linear and one color.

The creative genius to compose images using the language, develop, and given their thoughts. For example, Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo used drawings, diagrams, symbols, and illustrations as the purest way to capture the thoughts that sprung up in her head and set it on paper. For him, the language of words is in second place after the language and images used to label, show or explain the mind and creative discovery. The pictures helped Leonardo to explore his mind in various fields, art, physiology, engineering, akuanautik, and biology. Another example is Richard Feynman, Nobel Prize winning physicist, when he was young to realize that imagination and visualization are the most important part of the creative thought process. That way he played the game-play of imagination and learn to draw. He put the whole quantum electrodynamic theory to form a new visual and diagrammatic. This lead to the development of Feynman diagrams are now well known that - an image representation of particle interactions, students are now used worldwide to help them understand, remember, and create new ideas in the realism of physics and general science.

There angapan that thought process is set in the mathematical principles of simple addition, each time adding a single new data or new thinking into the brain, meaning the material will only add to the storage warehouse. The reality is not so; fact, the brain work synergistically. In a synergistic system, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. With our thoughts, make the child has a massive library, containing some information about all the things kids want to know. Inside this giant library, information filed in the perfect arrangement.

In all things our minds can diguanakan. Encourage children to make a mind map at any time. As in his book, "Mind maps for kids" Tony Buzan invited to use our minds at every opportunity. For example, create a mind map of the "I". By inviting the child to know himself, his image, doing activities, favorite, pet, persons, ideals, imagination, or other pets. Another example is taking children to make a mind map to plan a vacation. Implementation to determine when, where, who's involved, transport used, accommodation needs to be prepared, to be carried goods, documentation, and so on using images and key words. Mind maps can also be made for example to complete school assignments, invite children to create stories, make a letter, or figure out the right gifts given to the father or mother on their birthday.

IV. Benefits of Mind Maps

Mind maps provide many benefits. Mind maps, giving a holistic view of the subject matter or area, enables us to plan a route or make choices and know where we are going and where we are. Another advantage is to collect large amounts of data in one place, encourage problem solving by allowing us to see the streets of new creative breakthrough, is something fun to look at, read, contemplate and remember.

For children, our mind has its benefits, namely: to assist in remembering, get ideas, save time, concentrate, get better grades, organize your thoughts and hobbies, media playing, having fun in the pouring creative imagination which of course raises
How to increase creativity Children

How to increase creativity Children
How to increase creativity Children
How to increase creativity Children
How to increase creativity Children
How to increase creativity Children
How to increase creativity Children
How to increase creativity Children

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