Saturday, February 25, 2012

what about the Christians?

Baca Juga

almost all the religions on this planet named after its founder, the name and the name of the allotment area and all of his people .... that name is name given by humans ...

what about the Christians?
The Birth of Christianity
what about the Christians?
Before describing the birth of Christianity we must know the social and cultural conditions of the Jews before the time of Prophet Jesus:

1. Stealing the Jews have been contaminated Babylonian Paganism faith. Approximately 50 years (586-535 BC) the Jews were in exile in Babylon where people worship idols.

2. In the year 334 BC, Alexander the Greek king of the Jews control the schools and spread the philosophy of the later influence the thinking of the Jews.

3. The nations that conquered the Jews are adherents of polytheism. It also affects the aqeedah of the Jews.

Because Jesus delivered his mission just over three years, while the influence of pagan belief is rooted in the community, then there was deviation understanding of the teachings he had brought. This is done by Paul (Salus) of Tarsus, who claimed to have met Jesus (Isa) and appointed as his messenger. He then taught the teachings of Jesus that has been confused with Greek philosophy and paganism.


Paul taught the doctrine as follows:

1. The concept of God the Son, he said that God has a first-born (I Corinthians 8: 6: Colossians 1: 5; and 1 Timothy)

2. Incarnation, according to Paul Jesus has done incarnation on earth through the seed of David (Romans 1: 3-4; Galatians 4: 4-5; Colossians 1: 15; and Hebrews 1: 3)

3. Hereditary sin, that man should live forever in heaven. But because of human error put Adam in the earth. Adam's sin had done it continues to be borne by his descendants (Romans 5: 12-18, 1 Corinthians 15: 21-26).

4. Crucifixion and the Redemption, that Jesus gave himself to atone for human sacrifice to die on the cross. People who believe in him will receive eternal life in heaven (Romans 5: 18; 6: 10-11, II Corinthians 15: 14, 1 Timothy 2: 6)

5. The concept of the Resurrection, that Jesus was crucified and buried after three days was resurrected from the dead (Romans 6:4-18; 10: 9; I Corinthians 15: 17-20; II Timothy 2:

6. Rise to Heaven, that Jesus ascended to heaven after his resurrection, and residing at the right hand of God the Father (Ephesians 1: 19-20; Colossians 3: 1)

7. Lord Jesus, that everyone must believe that Jesus is Lord (Romans 10: 9)

Doctrines are easily accepted by local people who previously did have such a belief system. In fact the whole trust is simply a lie, as Paul himself says in his letter to the Romans 3: 7, which reads as follows:

"But if the truth of God by a lie increasingly abundant for his glory, why am I still judged as a sinner anymore?"

Christians know the gospel version

Gospel that existed at the time of the Christian Gospel is not the original. He only contains the story of missionary journey of the Prophet Isa (Jesus) written by people after [4]:

1. Gospel of Matthew (65 M)

2. The Gospel of Mark (61 M)

3. The Gospel of Luke (95 M)

4. Gospel of John (100 M)

There are many other gospel, which according to historical records up to 80 versions. However, besides the four above are not recognized by the church and was destroyed in the 2nd century (180 AD). The Gospel is canceled of which is: The Gospel of Peter, Gospel Kopty, Hebrew, Barnaba, and the epistles Barnaba.

Matthew and Mark do not actually show the same stance with the teachings of Paul, but because it did not oppose the teachings of Paul are also allowed to circulate and be recognized by the church, it was already changed and adapted to the teaching of Paul added.
The Council of Nicea

Three centuries after the 'crucifixion' followers of the teachings of Jesus had grown with various shades of understanding. Clashes between them, especially between the pro Tawheed with the pagans of Paul's teaching pro. This war to threaten the integrity of the Roman empire.

As suggested by Konstantin congress was held in Nicea in 325 AD which was attended by about 2048 people with their stance. Fierce debate and there is no common ground. Finally, the pagan Constantine who tend to call 318 people who expressed support for Paul and sensible. After the conference continued, while the other participants to walk out.

At the conference was chosen doctrines and symbols, symbols of worship in voting (the date of Easter, the role of bishops, and of course about the divinity of Jesus). It was held after the revision of the Gospel. While the other gospels that contradict destroyed. And those who dare to read the forbidden gospels will be branded as heretics (true heresy). But later found the other gospels are forbidden, such as sheets are found in Qumran in 1950 near the Judea and sheets of Coptic found at Nag Hammadi in 1945 that it contrary to the recognized gospels.

The influence of Paganism
Christianity influenced by paganism too much, and it became stronger after the council of Nicaea Constantine initiated. Keep in mind, before the 'embrace' of Christianity, Constantine serves as high priest cult of the Sun (Sol Invictus). So do not be surprised if many pagan symbols used by Christianity. Example: The ancient Egyptians used the sun's disc halos of Catholic saints. Isis nursing Horus Pitogram (which is considered to be similar to the birth of Prophet Isa) inspire pitogram Mary nursing Baby Jesus, who was in the church altar with ceremonial rites taken from pagan. Symbols or icons that are used there is no Christian at all original.

Determination of December 25 as the birthday of Jesus was actually born Mihras-taking from which the pagans regarded as the son of God and the light of the world-who is also buried dalsm rock tomb and resurrected in three days. December 25th is also the birthday of Osiris, Adonis and Dyonisus, the pagan gods.

Followers of Isa (Jesus) to observe the Sabbath as a day of worship, but Constantine has made Sunday a day of worship, is today used as a day to worship the pagan sun god. Note that the name day of week / Sunday is derived from sun-day (solar day).
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